I'll never be your customer again. Beyond the fact that the price is expensive - you will have to part with 1471 NIS for a month in open space, you will also receive surprises later. For example, the "activation" price of 150 NIS. A monthly price of 120 NIS is added for the food you eat there, which is mostly cookies and coffee, but this will only be stated after or right while you are already signing the contract. In addition, a deposit price of 1,200 NIS, which is also indicated at the time of writing the contract. Your money will be returned to you only a month after your application for termination of the contract is approved. For example, if you sign with them for a month, you will actually part with more than NIS 3,000. Your deposit money, will only come back to you up to a month after the contract expires beyond that, their software is inconvenient, they are flooded with emails, and the air conditioner in the office is bad. The firm itself - yes looks good and inviting, invest in design. And in my personal case: the sales people did everything to get me to close a deal with them, I came and asked to sign up for one month. The date was June 25th, and they said they would give me "5 gift days" and a few more changes to "get me cheaper." In practice, they signed me to a contract that I am obligated to stay for a month after as soon as 5 days pass and enter July. When I found out, I declared that I was leaving on June 15 and did not want to continue with them. I paid for every July anyway. But this robbery company decided they wanted to charge me for the month of August as well, and hired lawyers to collect the money. The technical support team and their customer support, not helping, and mostly told me - this is what you signed your problem. I'm a decent person, and when I sign a contract, in my opinion, like most consumers - I do not read the entire scroll of the contract, but only the main details as agreed in the contract closing meeting. Because I guess there is a certain trust between the business I work with, but in this case, this company took full advantage of it, with a lot of small subtitles. I have worked for other companies that provide office rental services, and have not experienced such a robbery attitude. I leave it to you to judge whether you feel like working with such a company.